Glenrinnes Distillery

Glenrinnes Distillery



Glenrinnes Distillery Keith ab554db Scotland

We do things properly at Glenrinnes Distillery. We invest an extraordinary amount of time and effort into making our spirits because we believe it comes through in the taste. We do not pretend to have a history or provenance that is untrue. We are transparent. We can point to our water source and trace the ingredients from every bottle of our spirits. Our distillery is open to anyone that wants learn about how we make Eight Lands.

Our aim from the outset was to produce high quality organic spirits. We knew that we had to go beyond “craft” distilling, building a distillery that allowed for consistent high quality production with real scaleability. Glenrinnes Distillery and its products are organic certified through SOPA – the Scottish Organic Producers Association. Furthermore, the distillery is accredited by SALSA as part of their leading food safety and hygiene scheme.