Fairy Tale Distillery

Fairy Tale Distillery



Ardelve Dornie iv408dy

In the north West Highlands of Scotland the newly founded Fairytale Distillery at Ardelve, looks out across Loch Ailsh to Eilean Donan Castle and the Isle of Skye.The hand crafted gin produced by the distillery marries traditional ingredients with carefully selected botanics and water from the spring fed burn Alt Mor na Dornie to create local and exotic products.

The teams international skills enable the Distillery to produce a variety of non-chilled filtered, highland gins that appeal to a wide range of cultures and palates. These skills have been drawn from three generations of Botanists, the latest having grown up with a keen interest in distilling.The botanics are selected from both local and global sources.The team consists of Thomas the Founder, CEO and Distiller: Joline the Distillery Manager; Roger the Consultant, whose Uncle was in command of the First Class Lounge of the Queen Elizabeth Liner; and Martin and Stephan the Botanists. The team has highly experienced and professional acumen.

The specially commisioned still, named Tinkerbelle, was made by the renowned coppersmith Herr Schmidt in the Austrian Tyrol and is housed in the unique, wooden crafted distillery building on a small island in a landscaped lochan.Keen to develop sustainable business practices, the gins, for example, are bottled and labelled in such a way that they can be reused by both customer and company alike.